ACO In Concert: Tognetti's Beethoven
ACO In Concert: Tognetti's Beethoven
1h 26m
Richard Tognetti directs the Australian Chamber Orchestra in an explosive performance of Beethoven's electrifying Violin Concerto, paired with the monumental Fifth Symphony. This performance was filmed live at Sydney Opera House in 2018.
★★★★★ “The expanded ACO achieved revealing clarity that gleamed like the colours of an old master newly restored… a brisk, energised performance that rode its turbulent waves with magnificent unanimity of vision and expressive force.” – Sydney Morning Herald
BEETHOVEN - Violin Concerto in D major (00'00)
BEETHOVEN - Symphony No.5 in C minor (52'22)
Richard Tognetti, director & lead violin
Musicians from the Australian National Academy of Music (ANAM)
Guest wind & brass players
Australian Chamber Orchestra